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SAT & ACT Self-Paced Prep Course from The Princeton Review

Pennsylvania AHEC is offering a discount on a year-long SAT & ACT Self-Paced Prep Course from The Princeton Review to eligible high school students.
The course is originally offered for $150, but through a partnership with AHEC, students will be able to access the course for 1/2 OFF! Click the link below to apply for the discount.

Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Indiana, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, Somerset, and York counties
Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Fayette, Greene, Washington, and Westmoreland counties
Butler, Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Potter, Venango, and Warren counties
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